Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation in partnership with the March of Dimes, has produced the publication "Low Cost and No Cost Home Modifications for Seniors and People with a Disability."
Our needs and abilities can change as we age. If you or anyone who lives in or visits your house is getting older or has a disability, there are a whole range of low- and no-cost modifications you can make to your home, to make it safer, more comfortable and more accessible for everyone.
SFNS has applied for funding from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada and is again proud to have received funding in 2015-2016 for training of our member First Nations' Water and Wastewater Operators. We encourage First Nations Water/Wastewater Operators to take advantage of the training available to improve their expertise and to maintain or advance their levels of certification.
SFNS can cover expenses for training course registration fees, hotel and accommodations, and travel expenses.
Please contact Technical Services at 1-800-668-2609 or via email for further details.